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Mapping the Universe

Zu finden in: Mapping Scientific Frontiers (Seite 39 bis 65), 2003  local web 
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Chaomei ChenThis chapter focuses on a variety of organizing models behind a variety of maps, and in particular their role in making visual thinking and visual communication effective. These models are also known as metaphors. The fundamental value of a metaphor is that it must generate an intact Image. The central theme in this chapter is the design of thematic maps that represent phenomena in the physical world across terrestrial mapping and celestial mapping. The key question is: what phenomena? are the roles of various metaphors in mapping macrocosmic and microcosmic
Von Chaomei Chen im Buch Mapping Scientific Frontiers (2003) im Text Mapping the Universe
Chaomei ChenChapter 2 [...] explores the origin of cartography and its role in mapping phenomena in the physical world, from terrestrial and celestial maps to biological maps. The influential role of thematic maps in subsequent visualizations of more abstract phenomena is highlighted. The idea of a geographic base map and a thematic overlay is such a simple yet powerful model that it is repeatedly referred to throughout the book. The role of a holistic metaphor, or an intact image, is also emphasized. Stories associated with constellation figures are good examples of this type of metaphor.
Von Chaomei Chen im Buch Mapping Scientific Frontiers (2003) im Text The Growth of Scientific Knowledge auf Seite  36

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Metaphermetaphor , Visualisierungvisualization

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