DOPA Deleting Online Predators Act
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DOPA, Deleting Online Predators Act
Technologists in higher education need to take a leading role in discussions regarding this and similar laws. Implicitly anti-technology in spirit, such laws establish dangerous precedents that could be used to restrict creativity, technological advancements, and free speech.
Von Tracy Mitrano im Journal A Wider World (2006) im Text A Wider World At
the time of this writing, the House of Representatives has
passed H.R. 5319, a bill with the intent of protecting children
from online predators but with the effect of blocking
all social networking technologies for recipients of
universal service support for schools and libraries.
Von Tracy Mitrano im Journal A Wider World (2006) im Text A Wider World 1 Erwähnungen
- A Wider World - (Educause Review vol. 41, No. 6 November/December 2006) (2006)
- A Wider World (Tracy Mitrano)