Project Heb@ARExploring handheld Augmented Reality training to supplement academic midwifery education
Jonas Blattgerste, Kristina Luksch, Carmen Lewa, Martina Kunzendorf, Nicola H. Bauer, Annette Bernloehr, Matthias Joswig, Thorsten Schäfer, Thies Pfeiffer
Zu finden in: DELFI 2020 (Seite 103 bis 108), 2020
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Augmented Reality (AR) promises great potential for training applications as it allows to provide the trainee with instructions and feedback that is contextualized. In recent years, AR reached a state of technical feasibility that not only allows for larger, long term evaluations, but also for explorations of its application to specific training use cases. In the BMBF funded project Heb@AR, the utilization of handheld AR as a supplementary tool for the practical training in academic midwifery education is explored. Specifically, how and where AR can be used most effectively in this context, how acceptability and accessibility for tutors and trainees can be ensured and how well emergency situations can be simulated using the technology. In this paper an overview of the Heb@AR project is provided, the goals of the project are stated and the project’s research questions are discussed from a technical perspective. Furthermore, insights into the current state and the development process of the first AR training prototype are provided: The preparation of a tocolytic injection.
Von Jonas Blattgerste, Kristina Luksch, Carmen Lewa, Martina Kunzendorf, Nicola H. Bauer, Annette Bernloehr, Matthias Joswig, Thorsten Schäfer, Thies Pfeiffer im Konferenz-Band DELFI 2020 (2020) im Text Project Heb@AR Dieses Konferenz-Paper erwähnt ...
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Handheld / PDA in school |
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Project Heb@AR: Exploring handheld Augmented Reality training to supplement academic midwifery education: Konferenzbeitrag als PDF (: , 376 kByte; : ) |
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