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Learners’ Experiences in a Multicultural Remote Collaborative Learning Environment: A Case of ICT4D Course

Elizaphan Maina, Nicholas Mavengere, Francis Manzira, John Kihoro, Mikko Ruohonen
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Tomorrow's Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and ComputingCollaborative learning is advocated because of its pedagogical advantage, which allows knowledge construction through group discussions among learners. In a collaborative learning environment, there will be many learners with diverse cultures. The pedagogical advantages of collaborative learning include learners from different cultural orientation sharing unique learning experiences. The purpose of this study is to investigate learners’ experiences in a multicultural remote collaborative learning environment among three countries, South Africa, Kenya and Finland. An Informational and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) course was offered to 51 online students from three Universities in the countries mentioned. The course was group-work focused and groups were comprised of students from different Universities. A questionnaire was designed and distributed online to these students. The objective of the questionnaire was to assess students’ experiences in a remote collaborative, tools used and knowledge sharing in the course. Research findings indicated that students utilized well synchronous and asynchronous communication technologies but also faced challenges like time differences and unequal contribution and participation in groups. However, team work of the students was excellent owing to the fact that 17 students managed to achieve the goal of the virtual learning for ICT4D course through remote collaborative learning.
Von Elizaphan Maina, Nicholas Mavengere, Francis Manzira, John Kihoro, Mikko Ruohonen im Konferenz-Band Tomorrow's Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and Computing (2017) im Text Learners’ Experiences in a Multicultural Remote Collaborative Learning Environment: A Case of ICT4D Course

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