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Five Intractable Problems with Conventional Education

Zu finden in: The Fourth Education Revolution, 2018  local 
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The Fourth Education RevolutionChapter Three looks at how the third education revolution, which introduced mass schooling and universities on an industrial scale, failed to conquer five enduring problems. Elites have continued to dominate top educational institutions, and social mobility has been disappointing. Students have to make progress at a set rate, which de- motivates some and bores others. For all the new technologies, teach- ers remain weighed down by routine administration, which prevents them from concentrating their best efforts on actually teaching students. Only a narrow range of our intelligences or aptitudes is prioritised and educated in the current model. Finally, education is too often passive, and does little to encourage the development of individuality, because the system teaches students to give the ‘right’ answers. It homogenises rather than individuates students.
Von Anthony Seldon, Oladimeji Abidoye im Buch The Fourth Education Revolution (2018) im Text Education, the Cinderella of the AI story

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