Using Mobile Makerspaces to Support Classroom-based Augmented Reality (AR): A Scalable Framework for Encouraging Creativity and InnovationDaniel Tillman, Shaunna Smith
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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A makerspace provides support and resources for the users’ interests and projects pertaining to making things, often involving components like electronics, textiles, and 3D printers (Cohen, Jones, Smith, & Calandra, 2017). Makerspaces have many advantages, but because of their generally non-profit nature, often face issues pertaining to obtaining space and providing access. Mobile makerspace carts can provide a practical model for surpassing many of the space and access issues related to location-based makerspaces (Smith, 2017). Concepts for mobile makerspaces include such options as a STEM cart, an art cart, a video production cart, and a 3D printing cart (Johnson, Witte, Randolph, Smith, & Cragwall, 2016). An as of yet unexamined option for a mobile makerspace cart is the concept of an augmented reality (AR) theme. AR provides interactive digital overlays superimposed on the user’s vision but is different from VR (virtual reality) because the real-world is still visible (Papagiannis, 2017; Youngblut, 2013). This paper provides a framework for employing mobile makerspaces to support the development of classroom-based AR. The aim of the narrative is to provide underpinning for future research continuing this line of inquiry studying the optimal conditions and supports for successfully incorporating AR into K-12 instruction.
Von Daniel Tillman, Shaunna Smith im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Using Mobile Makerspaces to Support Classroom-based Augmented Reality (AR): A Scalable Framework for Encouraging Creativity and Innovation Volltext dieses Dokuments
Using Mobile Makerspaces to Support Classroom-based Augmented Reality (AR): A Scalable Framework for Encouraging Creativity and Innovation: Volltext als PDF (: , 212 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
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