Augmented Reality Games and Motivation in Language LearningAyse Taskiran
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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Today educational practices are being designed and varied due to advance of millennium generation who tend to use mobile technologies in every aspect of their lives. Accordingly, growing interest towards mobile learning in education brings several opportunities and advantages for English as Foreign Language teachers and learners. Augmented reality, which is another growing phenomenon on mobile devices, is a technology that incorporates digital information such as images, video and audio into real-world spaces. As a part of mobile learning, augmented reality technique has potential to facilitate learning through enjoyment over learning tasks, engagement and motivation. Designed in descriptive survey model, this study intended to assess English language learners' subjective experience regarding the implementation of augmented reality-based learning materials in their language classes with a game-based approach in Anadolu University, Turkey. The analysis of the questionnaire items showed that most of the students accepted the activities in augmented learning environment highly motivating and enjoyable, which is a similar finding in augmented reality research.
Von Ayse Taskiran im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Augmented Reality Games and Motivation in Language Learning Volltext dieses Dokuments
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