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A Study on the Classification of Online Education Types and Development of Quality Management Indicators for Lifelong Vocational Skills Development

Hyeon Mi Rha
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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Future occupational world according to the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' will continue to spread non-traditional employment such as platform workers as elastic employment expansion and platform-based services develop. In order to prepare for such a future society, it is important to develop lifelong vocational skills that must be continuously taught. To this end, the necessity of online education according to the principle of individualization, excellence and equality is emphasized. This study was conducted through literature review, Focus Group Interview (FGI), Delphi survey and expert consultation. In order to respond appropriately to the job market and the labor market caused by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, online education for lifelong vocational skills development was categorized into four types and quality management indexes for each type were developed. In order to manage the quality of online education by four types of open non-formal course, lifelong career development course, credit accreditation course, and degree course, each indicator was divided into three areas: development, operation, and infrastructure. And we divided them into detailed items for each area and developed quality indicators according to the areas.
Von Hyeon Mi Rha im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text A Study on the Classification of Online Education Types and Development of Quality Management Indicators for Lifelong Vocational Skills Development

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