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Collaborative Evaluation of the use of curriculum mapping to track program learning outcomes

Davina DeVries, Beth Jordan
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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A college of pharmacy requested their internal technology, instruction, evaluation, and design team to assist the curriculum committee in determining if the four-year Pharmacy Doctorate program was meeting accreditation standards. The team developed a system of tracking learning outcomes across the program by mapping curriculum to specific standards in a cloud computing data base. The committee used the data to determine curriculum revisions. Decisions were then made on implementing the standards for cyclic review and training faculty to effectively map the courses. The use of the model for collaborative evaluation was used to give stakeholders ownership of the process and use real time feedback. This information is relevant to evaluating educational programs for quality improvement because it shows useful ways to track educational outcomes. This poster will display our curriculum map, workflow, and results and foster a conversation on utilizing the model for collaborative evaluation in an educational environment.
Von Davina DeVries, Beth Jordan im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Collaborative Evaluation of the use of curriculum mapping to track program learning outcomes

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