“Call me Storyteller”: Using Poetry to Remix the Digital Storytelling ProcessJoe Sanchez
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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This paper is an analysis of a multimedia project conducted over a six-week period in a graduate level course offered to pre-service school library and media specialist. The goal of this class is to prepare pre-service librarians to enter a public or school library ready to lead children, teens, and adolescents in the production of multimedia projects. After completing the course students are expected to be able to lead workshops and direct students in the creation of podcasts, stop-motion videos, multitrack audio recording, and video production using green screens and other special effects. To meet the technical learning goals of the class and to reduce the anxiety students were feeling when challenged with open-ended projects, a redesign of the digital storytelling project was conducted. With this in mind, the digital storytelling process, where students write a script that reflects on a big question, was remixed as a process where students select a poem and then create a digital story as a re-presentation. Students showed high levels of technical proficiency and were motivated by frequent peer-to-peer assessment.
Von Joe Sanchez im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text “Call me Storyteller”: Using Poetry to Remix the Digital Storytelling Process Volltext dieses Dokuments
“Call me Storyteller”: Using Poetry to Remix the Digital Storytelling Process: Volltext als PDF (: , 150 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
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