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Instructional materials and students’ learning styles

Patricia Fidalgo, Ieda M. Santos, Joan Thormann
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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This poster presents the results of an exploratory study conducted in an Emirati college on a blended course offered to graduate students enrolled in Masters’ of Education Program. According to their learning styles and their preferences, students could choose between different formats of instructional materials. These materials were created by the instructors and distributed on the school’s Learning Management System (LMS). Data was collected through a questionnaire and the frequencies provided by the LMS regarding the materials accessed by the students. Results show that there were some discrepancies between students’ frequency of access to the instructional materials and their stated learning preferences.
Von Patricia Fidalgo, Ieda M. Santos, Joan Thormann im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Instructional materials and students’ learning styles

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