Best of Germany: Developing Strategies for Digital Transformation in Higher Education: Not a Trivial PursuitZu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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The paper presents an organizational view on educational technology in higher education. Many institutions are eagerly implementing various digital technologies and tools for learning, they seem to follow a general trend of modernizing university teaching. Following this understanding, digital transformation can be seen as a broader movement of modernization all universities have to address in some way: a process that institutions are taking at different speeds and with different measures, but most probably with similar results, in the end. From a strategic perspective, however, digital transformation has to be perceived as a chance for an organization to position itself in a competition. Universities management has to understand that to some degree digital transformation can be understood as a “general trend of modernization” but to some degree opens up opportunities for a strategic positioning. The paper addresses the implications of these options and what measures universities can take to find their route to digital transformation. The paper is based on a set of workshops performed with members from Germany's university top management that have addressed the strategic options for digital transformation in higher education.
Von Michael Kerres, Barbara Getto im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Best of Germany: Developing Strategies for Digital Transformation in Higher Education: Not a Trivial Pursuit Volltext dieses Dokuments
Best of Germany: Developing Strategies for Digital Transformation in Higher Education: Not a Trivial Pursuit: Volltext als PDF (: , 256 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
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