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Examining the usability of images in the design of a web-based progress monitoring system for students who are Deaf / Hard of Hearing

Simon Hooper, Rayne Sperling, Susan Rose, Jian Liao, Michelle Hepfer, Xinyur Li, Anne Marie Gardner
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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Ave: PM is a software suite designed to help monitor the literacy development of students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Our presentation will address the issues associated with using traditional progress monitoring tools and briefly demonstrate four new assessments designed specifically for students with a hearing loss. Each assessment includes three elements: A student interface that presents the assessment and gathers student performance data; a teacher-scoring tool; and a data visualization component that displays longitudinal student-progress. We will also report on the results of an empirical study to collect data about the usability of images used in one of the new assessments: Picture Naming. This study is currently in progress; data-collection and analysis will be completed by the end of the current academic year.
Von Simon Hooper, Rayne Sperling, Susan Rose, Jian Liao, Michelle Hepfer, Xinyur Li, Anne Marie Gardner im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Examining the usability of images in the design of a web-based progress monitoring system for students who are Deaf / Hard of Hearing

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UsabilityUsability , Visualisierungvisualization

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