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Social Bookmarking as a Component of E-Learning

Nikolai Scerbakov, Frank Kappe, Alexander Schukin
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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Social Bookmarking Service (SBS) allows users to store links to web resources in a structured way. The links can be created, modified, accessed and annotated by different students. Thus, the link information can be seen as an important e-learning resource. Collaborative creating a shared collection of links to resources and using such collection by students can help to achieve better learning outcomes. This paper presents two layers of such SBS: on the first layer students may define bookmarks, comment, evaluate and classify the bookmarks as a hierarchy of folders. Documents referred by the bookmarks are accessible by means of ordinary browsers. On the second layer, a special viewer application is used to access the bookmarked resources. The application allows annotating remote resources, creating links between such remote resources and even seamless reusing fragments of external web pages. SBS has recently gained interest as a solid basis for implementing so-called recommender systems. The social bookmarking system normally records some essential personal data about using bookmarks by students and teachers - names of persons who created, accessed, evaluated, commented and annotated the bookmark. That information can be further combined with information of relationships between students that can be gained from student's enrollment into different courses. The data can be easily processed to provide recommended resources for a particular student.
Von Nikolai Scerbakov, Frank Kappe, Alexander Schukin im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Social Bookmarking as a Component of E-Learning

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E-LearningE-Learning , social bookmarkingsocial bookmarking

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