No, Finland isn’t ditching traditional school subjects. Here’s what’s really happening.Valerie Strauss
Erstpublikation in: Washington Post, 26.03.2015
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Plans to overhaul schools in Finland — whose students have been at or near the top of international exams for years — have sparked stories in the media saying that traditional subjects, such as math and history and art, will be abandoned. A recent story in the British newspaper the Independent, for example, had this headline: “Finland schools: Subjects scrapped and replaced with ‘topics’ as country reforms ist education system.” Alas, the stories are overblown, according to Finnish educator and scholar Pasi Sahlberg. In this post, Sahlberg explains what is actually happening in Finland.
Von Valerie Strauss im Text No, Finland isn’t ditching traditional school subjects. Here’s what’s really happening. (2015) Dieser Zeitungsartikel erwähnt ...
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Begriffe KB IB clear | Finnland , Schulfächer | ||||||||||||||||||
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No, Finland isn’t ditching traditional school subjects. Here’s what’s really happening.: Artikel als Volltext (: , 163 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
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