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Resistant Materials in Technology Education

Owain Pedgley, Bahar Sener
Zu finden in: Handbook of Technology Education (Seite 319 bis 336), 2017 local web 
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Handbook of Technology EducationAs the fabric of our natural and manmade worlds, materials take an omnipresent role in everyday experiences. An awareness of the diversity of materials and an appreciation of how they can be put to good use - for technical and experiential purposes - is an essential aspect of much design and technological learning at school. Materials awareness and capability in design and technology is known to be developed most effectively in real-world contexts and in response to real-world problems. It is markedly removed from the study of materials through the lens of the laboratory microscope. This chapter argues for a coherent and modern way that 'resistant materials” (traditionally encompassing metals, plastics, woods) can sit within technology and design curricula at primary and secondary schools. Discussions reciprocate between content (what to know and why) and epistemology (ways of knowing and learning). The chapter culminates in a proposal of three pillars for developing students´ materials experience, comprising knowledge acquisition, skills, and context. The work is intended to assist all professionals having a stake in technology and design education, by outlining a modern, responsible, and relevant approach to pedagogy for resistant materials.
Von Owain Pedgley, Bahar Sener im Buch Handbook of Technology Education (2017) im Text Resistant Materials in Technology Education

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