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A Prescriptive Software Process for Academic Scenarios

Maira Marques
Zu finden in: ICER 2015 (Seite 265 bis 266), 2015
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Software engineering has been taught over the years using expositive classes, but learning this discipline requires more than just theory. Lately, universities started teaching software engineering in a theoretical-practical way. Typically, these experiences involve the development of software projects in the academia, using industry-oriented or ad hoc processes. However, most of them are not fully formalized, therefore it is not possible to repeat, measure or improve them. Moreover, it is not clear which project contexts are proper for each ad hoc process. This thesis work proposes to define and formalize a prescriptive software development process for use in undergraduate software engineering courses. We hypothesize that this process can make these experiences repeatable investing an affordable effort and will help produce positive results in student projects. This software process will be evaluated in the context of a second software engineering undergraduate course at the University of Chile, and it will address specific project contexts. This software process could be used in any university that has a similar course context. The proposed process can also be adapted to fit with new contexts.

Von Maira Marques im Konferenz-Band ICER 2015 im Text A Prescriptive Software Process for Academic Scenarios (2015)

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