Emerging Representation Technologies for Problem SolvingTon de Jong
Zu finden in: Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (Seite 809 bis 816), 2014
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When learners solve problems they often create an external representation to organize the information given in the problem statement, to translate this problem description into underlying domain terms, and to complete this with knowledge they already have. This representation is subsequently used to solve the problem. For creating such a representation learners have many formats available: text, diagrams, formulas, and the like. The choice for a specific representation format partly determines the solution strategy that is triggered. Today, technology supported representations have become available that extend the possibilities for learners. Technology can be used to present different but connected representations, to adapt the representation to the problem solving phase and to add aspects such as dynamics, reified objects, three dimensional (3D) representations, and haptic experiences. These new representational formats open new affordances but also create new challenges for learning. In this chapter the different affordances that representational formats offer are explored with an emphasis on modern technology supported representations.
Von Ton de Jong im Buch Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (2014) im Text Emerging Representation Technologies for Problem Solving Dieses Kapitel erwähnt ...
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