15 Technologies That Were Supposed to Change Education ForeverMatt Novak
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Every generation has its shiny new technology that's supposed to change education forever. In the 1920s it was radio books. In the 1930s it was television lectures. Here in the second decade of the 21st century, it seems the Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) is the education tech of tomorrow. Let's hope it pans out better than previous attempts.
Today we take a look back at 15 technologies that were supposed to radically change the way that people are educated around the world. Some innovations were mostly hype. Others had an undeniably meaningful impact.
It's important to remember, though, that throughout the 20th century it was often hard to tell the difference between the two.
Von Matt Novak im Text 15 Technologies That Were Supposed to Change Education Forever (2014) Today we take a look back at 15 technologies that were supposed to radically change the way that people are educated around the world. Some innovations were mostly hype. Others had an undeniably meaningful impact.
It's important to remember, though, that throughout the 20th century it was often hard to tell the difference between the two.
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Begriffe KB IB clear | E-LearningE-Learning , Innovationinnovation , MOOCMassive Open Online Course , Zukunftfuture |
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15 Technologies That Were Supposed to Change Education Forever: Artikel als Volltext (: , 5325 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
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