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Instructional Design on Controlling the Quality of Collaboration in a CSCL Setting Through Illusionary Adaptive Support

Sofia Hadjileontiadou, Georgia Nikolaidou, Leontios Hadjileontiadis
Zu finden in: Research on e-Learning and ICT in Education (Seite 141 bis 155), 2012 local 
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Research on e-Learning and ICT in EducationThis work proposes an instructional design within a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) setting. The aim of this design is to examine if the provision of illusionary adaptive support, in the form of control that resides at the collaborators, could be perceived as such and cause intrinsic motivation toward better collaborative performance. Two conditions, i.e., control and experimental, of collaborative concept mapping were applied to 11 groups of dyads. The groups during the experimental condition, unlike the control one, received an illusionary type of support and, according to the experimental results, they produced better collaborative performance, on the basis of relevant indicators, as compared to their performance during the control condition. The proposed approach extends previous relative work from individual to collaborative settings and reveals new possibilities in the design of adaptive CSCL support, under the perspective of illusion of control.
Von Sofia Hadjileontiadou, Georgia Nikolaidou, Leontios Hadjileontiadis im Konferenz-Band Research on e-Learning and ICT in Education (2012) im Text Instructional Design on Controlling the Quality of Collaboration in a CSCL Setting Through Illusionary Adaptive Support

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KB IB clear
Concept MapConcept Map, CSCLComputer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Kontrollillusionillusion of control, Lernenlearning, Motivationmotivation

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Concept Mapping Software


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