Virtual Schools: Redefining 'A Place Called School'M. D. Roblyer
Zu finden in: International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (Seite 695 bis 711), 2009
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This chapter discusses the relatively recent phenomenon of offering K-12 courses at a distance using technologies such as videoconferencing and the Internet. After providing some background on how virtual schools (VS) came about and their current characteristics and configurations, this chapter reviews issues about virtual schools frequently discussed in the education literature. Also included is a review of research on the wide range of quality and services in virtual schools and what it takes to make an effective virtual school program. Finally, this chapter gives recommendations on research and policy issues that should be addressed to shape the future of virtual schools.
Von M. D. Roblyer im Buch International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (2009) im Text Virtual Schools: Redefining 'A Place Called School' Dieses Kapitel erwähnt ...
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