Framing IT Use to Enhance Educational Impact on a School-Wide BasisP. Twining
Zu finden in: International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (Seite 555 bis 577), 2009
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This chapter identifies a shortfall in the return on the investments that have been made in to IT in education. It argues that one of the reasons for this is a lack of shared visions for why we should be using IT in education. It goes on to suggest that IT frameworks may provide a vehicle for developing such shared visions. Five different types of IT frameworks are introduced. Each type of framework is described with the aid of examples and their potential to support vision building is discussed. The chapter concludes by identifying one specific type of IT framework, namely Pedagogical frameworks, as being the most useful for whole school vision building.
Von P. Twining im Buch International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (2009) im Text Framing IT Use to Enhance Educational Impact on a School-Wide Basis Dieses Kapitel erwähnt ...
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