Understanding the Value of Interactive SMS for Large ClassesEusebio Scornavacca, Sid Huff, Stephen Marshall
Zu finden in: Innovative Mobile Learning (Seite 48 bis 59), 2009
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The increasing sophistication and rapid uptake of mobile phones among university students is providing an unprecedented platform for the development of classroom interaction systems. This chapter describes the development of a SMS-based classroom interaction system and explores the impact that this application can have on students’ learning experience. The findings indicate that instructors and students perceive a number of benefits from the additional channel of communication in the classroom. The chapter concludes with a summary and recommendations for future practice and research.
Von Eusebio Scornavacca, Sid Huff, Stephen Marshall im Buch Innovative Mobile Learning (2009) im Text Understanding the Value of Interactive SMS for Large Classes Dieser Text erwähnt ...
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