Co-Designing Curricula to Promote Collaborative Knowledge Construction in Secondary School Science
Vanessa L. Peters, Jim Slotta
Zu finden in: CSCL 2009, 2009
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We describe a two-year study of a rich secondary science curriculum that was codesigned
in close partnership with teachers, technology specialists and even school
administrators. The goal of the research was to provide empirical support for a recent model
of learning and instruction that blends the two perspectives of knowledge communities and
scaffolded inquiry. A design-oriented method was employed, where the first iteration of the
curriculum was evaluated in terms of its fit to the model, as well as its impact on student
learning. Based on a set of design recommendations, a much more substantive curriculum
was developed for the second iteration, leading to rich measures of student collaboration and
deep understanding of the targeted science concepts. This paper describes our co-design
process, which allowed teachers to lead the curriculum design and classroom enactment while
researchers contributed design guidelines according to the theoretical model.
Von Vanessa L. Peters, Jim Slotta im Konferenz-Band CSCL 2009 (2009) im Text Co-Designing Curricula to Promote Collaborative Knowledge Construction in Secondary School Science Dieses Konferenz-Paper erwähnt ...
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