Professional Development for Aspiring CIOsWilliam F. Hogue, David W. Dodd
Zu finden in: Educause Quarterly 3/2006, 2006
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A faculty member who attended an
ITSS intensive seven-day workshop
made the following comment: “You’re
not like normal IT people.” When asked
for clarification, the faculty member said
that we (the authors) talk on their terms
in non-techie language and that we
are committed to their success instead
of telling them what they should do
or how they should do it. This sentiment
was not isolated—feedback from
other training workshops echoed a
similar theme. These comments reveal
the need for IT departments to match
staff personality to the job. Working
with faculty, an IT staff member should
have a philosophy of working with the
individual to help find an effective use
for each specific situation based on the
faculty member’s needs (technical skill
level, time constraints, resource availability,
and so forth).
Von William F. Hogue, David W. Dodd im Journal Educause Quarterly 3/2006 (2006) im Text Professional Development for Aspiring CIOs Dieser wissenschaftliche Zeitschriftenartikel erwähnt ...
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