Publication of Distributed Linked Content
Paul Libbrecht, Christopher Brooks
Zu finden in: Proceedings of the 1st Doctoral Consortium in Technology Enhanced Learning (Seite 21 bis 32), 2006
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The goal of this work is to investigate how content for elearning
can be authored and published in a distributed fashion: this
includes the management of links between content pieces and their metadata
items as well as the evolution of both of these items. We investigate
the notion of derivative works, which appears to be an alternative to
verbatim or copy-and-paste reusability by overlaying local content over
remote content. Our investigations take place under the light of the authoring
experience gained with the ActiveMath [3] and iHelp Courses [4]
learning environments, and we propose solutions to work with these systems.
Von Paul Libbrecht, Christopher Brooks im Buch Proceedings of the 1st Doctoral Consortium in Technology Enhanced Learning (2006) im Text Publication of Distributed Linked Content Dieser Text erwähnt ...
Begriffe KB IB clear | LCMS (Learning Content Management System)Learning Content Management System , LOM (Learning Objects Metadata)Learning Objects Metadata , Versionsverwaltungrevision control |
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