Online Information, Hypermedia, and the Idea of Literacy
Philip Rubens
Zu finden in: The Society of Text (Seite 3 bis 21), 1989
Diese Seite wurde seit 19 Jahren inhaltlich nicht mehr aktualisiert.
Unter Umständen ist sie nicht mehr aktuell.
This essay examines the genealogy of recent innovations in online information and hypermedia. In doing so it provides an overview of the märe impartant developments and the applications of these advances. While the essay celebrates those successes that are clearly exceptional, it also assesses the more typical and sometimes equally useful, techniques found in less dramatic and innovative environments. Finally, the essay asks the reader to consider some of the more optimistic scenarios for the future of online information and hypermedia in relation to the concept of literacy.
Von Philip Rubens im Buch The Society of Text (1989) im Text Online Information, Hypermedia, and the Idea of Literacy Dieser Text erwähnt ...
Begriffe KB IB clear | Computercomputer , HCI/MMI (Human-Computer-Interaction)Human-Computer-Interaction |
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