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Schaden Computerspiele der Gesundheit?

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The use of computer and video games for learningFurthermore, there is the view that considers such side-effects to be ‘relatively minor or temporary’ (Griffiths 2002a, page 1) and that finds playing computer games is comparable to a mild intensity exercise: with normal use, playing may neither improve nor harm physical fitness (Emes 1997).
Von Alice Mitchell, Carol Savill-Smith im Buch The use of computer and video games for learning (2004) im Text What is the impact of the use of computer games on young people?
The use of computer and video games for learningWe found various materials on the impact of frequent gaming on young people’s health. Players have complained of eyestrain, headaches, chest pain, fatigue and mood swings (Tazawa et al. 1997). This is compatible with findings that where game play causes sleep deprivation it is also associated with black rings under the eyes and muscle stiffness in the shoulder (Tazawa and Okada 2001). Medical experts appear concerned about metabolic and heart rates (Dorman 1997; Emes 1997), that frequent gaming may be associated with health problems such as tendonitis and repetitive strain injury (Emes 1997; Cleary et al. 2002), and that computer games could trigger epileptic seizures in susceptible persons (Funk 1992, 1993b; Emes 1997; Ricci and Vigevano 1999; Singh et al. 2001). This may be because the user sits close to the screen (Kasteleijn-Nolst Trenité et al. 1999). Ricci and Vigevano (1999) note that, while the role of the software itself is still unclear, ‘a brighter image has a higher probability of provoking discharges than a darker one’ and flashing lights and geometric patterns present in some games may activate a seizure
Von Alice Mitchell, Carol Savill-Smith im Buch The use of computer and video games for learning (2004) im Text What is the impact of the use of computer games on young people? auf Seite  8


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