360-degree Models in Environmental Engineering Educationan Explorative Case Study
Mario Wolf, Heinrich Söbke, Florian Wehking, Stefanie Hörnlein
Zu finden in: DELFI 2020 (Seite 353 bis 354), 2020
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360-degree models are defined as the algorithmic merging of multiple 360-degree images of an enclosed space creating a single visual model of the space that can be viewed from various positions within the space. As means of virtual reality, 360-degree models can be understood as a medium with impact on learning. Aiming at evaluating the educational potential of 360-degree models in the field of environmental engineering, an explorative pilot study featuring an innovative sanitation system has been conducted (N=17). Quantitative measurements of motivation, emotion and usability show positive results. Guided interviews revealed both key points and problems to be addressed. Although the learning efficiency is still to be validated, the study renders 360-degree models as promising learning tools that might enrich tertiary education in environmental engineering.
Von Mario Wolf, Heinrich Söbke, Florian Wehking, Stefanie Hörnlein im Konferenz-Band DELFI 2020 (2020) im Text 360-degree Models in Environmental Engineering Education Dieses Konferenz-Paper erwähnt ...
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