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Global Partnerships Enhancing Digital and Social Equity

Ian W. Gibson
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International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary EducationThis chapter focuses on how teachers and teacher educators can collaborate in ‘doing and living equity´ at the same time as pursuing the local achievement of relevant learning goals. By creating a mental picture of global responsibility in the minds of learners, at the same time as ‘doing equity´ through a collaborative project where global social responsibility is clearly in evidence, global partners reinforce digital and social equity goals. Incorporating global experiences into teacher preparation programs and inspiring teachers to incorporate interactive technology and far placed partners into daily lesson plans becomes part of the long range solution. Senge (2000) suggested that change happened one intentional conversation at a time. The story of the Mukuru Project in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya and the Inaugural Children´s Conference 2006 in Sydney, Australia is one of those intentional conversations.
Von Ian W. Gibson im Buch International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (2009) im Text Global Partnerships Enhancing Digital and Social Equity

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