Vmap-Layout, a Layout Algorithm for Drawing Scientograms
Arnaud Quirin, Oscar Cordón
Zu finden in: Computational Social Network Analysis, 2009
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We present in this chapter a drawing algorithm to represent graphically co-citation networks (scientograms). These networks have some interesting and unusual topological properties, which are often valuable to be visualized. In general, these networks are pruned with a network scaling algorithm and then visualized using a drawing algorithm (J Vis Lang Comput 9:267-286, 1998). However, typical drawing algorithms do not work properly, especially when the size of the networks grows. Edge crossings appear while the drawing space is not adequately filled, resulting in an unsightly display. The approach presented in this chapter is able to print the networks filling all the available space in an aesthetic way, while avoiding edge crossings. The algorithm is detailed and compared with the classical Kamada-Kawai drawing algorithm on several scientograms.
Von Arnaud Quirin, Oscar Cordón im Buch Computational Social Network Analysis (2009) im Text Vmap-Layout, a Layout Algorithm for Drawing Scientograms Anderswo finden
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