Dialog Mapping
Reflections on an Industrial Strength Case Study
Jeff Conklin
Zu finden in: Visualizing Argumentation, 2003
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In Chapter 6, Dialog Mapping: Reflections on an Industrial Strength Case Study, Jeff Conklin describes how one of the most influential argumentation schemes dating back to the 1970s, Kunz and Rittel’s Issue-Based Information System (IBIS), has been developed into a facilitated CSAV technique called Dialog Mapping. Dialog Mapping (like van Gelder’s industrial case study) introduces the facilitator as a key player who adds value through expertise in argument mapping and group process. Conklin then presents what is probably the longest-term case study available of CSAV adoption in an organization, reflecting on the lessons that can be distilled from a company that has used the QuestMap tool continuously for the last decade to support synchronous and asynchronous work.
Von Paul A. Kirschner, Chad Carr, Simon J. Buckingham Shum im Buch Visualizing Argumentation (2003) im Text Preface Dieser Text erwähnt ...
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