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Geeks hassen Management

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Paul GlenGeeks are notoriously resistant to authority bestowed from outside and generally reject official hierarchies. They tend to build their own based on those values that they hold dear: knowledge and meritocracy. The more technical knowledge one possesses and the more capable one is of applying that knowledge, the higher is that person's social status.
Von Paul Glen im Buch Leading Geeks (2003) im Text Groups of Geeks auf Seite  53
Stereotype #3: The "IT-Technology anchored IT-Professional": Consistent with the "technology geek" image, IT professionals define themselves and their value in terms of the number and difficulty of the technical skills they have mastered [8]. Their careers are anchored in technology. Since the half-life of technologies is short, anyone who does not keep up is a dinosaur. Like the dinosaur, these out-ofdate individuals are in danger of becoming extinct, forever severed from the evolving IT career world. According to this third stereotype, moving into a managerial position limits career options since technical competencies erode quickly in such a non-technical position. Therefore, this stereotype views IT professionals as not valuing non-technical/ managerial competencies and assumes management positions are career dead-ends, thus limiting the pool of potential IT managers. In the words of one IT professional who made the transition to manager, "Most of the young-gun technology talent out there say they tolerate the ‘suits’ but have no aspirations to become one".
Von Harvey G. Enns, Thomas W. Ferratt, Jayesh Prasad Personenreihenfolge alphabetisch und evtl. nicht korrekt im Text Beyond stereotypes of IT professionals (2006)


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