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AI washing

Dieses Biblionetz-Objekt existiert erst seit Oktober 2024. Es ist deshalb gut möglich, dass viele der eigentlich vorhandenen Vernetzungen zu älteren Biblionetz-Objekten bisher nicht erstellt wurden. Somit kann es sein, dass diese Seite sehr lückenhaft ist.


AI washing, AI Window Dressing


When it comes to AI washing, there are several types. Some companies claim to use AI when they're actually using less-sophisticated computing, while others overstate the efficacy of their AI over existing techniques, or suggest that their AI solutions are fully operational when they are not. Meanwhile, other firms are simply bolting an AI chatbot onto their existing non-AI operating software.
Von Emma Woollacott im Text What is 'AI washing' and why is it a problem? (2024)
AI washing is a marketing tactic companies employ to exaggerate the amount of AI technology they use in theirproducts. The goal of AI washing is to make a company's offerings seem more advanced than they are andcapitalize on the growing interest in AI technology. AI washing takes its name from greenwashing , which iswhen companies make false or misleading claims about the positive impact they have on the environment.
Von Ben Lutkevich im Text AI washing explained: Everything you need to know (2024)


"Some founders seem to believe that if they don’t mention AI in their pitch, this may put them at a disadvantage, regardless of the role it plays in their solution," says Mr Ayangar.
Von Emma Woollacott im Text What is 'AI washing' and why is it a problem? (2024)
But in the longer term, says Advika Jalan, head of research at MMC Ventures, the problem of AI washing may subside on its own.
"AI is becoming so ubiquitous - even if they’re just ChatGPT wrappers - that 'AI-powered' as a branding tool will likely cease to be a differentiator after some time," she says. "It will be a bit like saying 'we’re on the internet'."
Von Emma Woollacott im Text What is 'AI washing' and why is it a problem? (2024)
Douglas Dick, UK head of emerging technology risk at accountancy giant KPMG, says the problem of AI washing is not helped by the fact there not a single agreed definition of AI. "If I asked a room of people what their definition of AI is, they would all give a different answer,” he says. “The term is used very broadly and loosely, without any clear point of reference. It is this ambiguity that is allowing AI washing to emerge.
Von Emma Woollacott im Text What is 'AI washing' and why is it a problem? (2024)

A 2023 press release from the FTC details some basic questions an organization can answer to determine if it is engaging in AI washing:

  • Are you exaggerating what your AI product can do? Performance-enhancement claims need to be unconditional and have scientific proof to back them up.
  • Are you promising that your AI product does something more than a non-AI product? There needs to be adequate proof to make this claim, as it may be used to justify a product price hike or influence labor decisions.
  • Are you aware of the risks? AI vendors are responsible for the effects of their products once on the market.
  • Does the product even use AI? Using an AI tool in the development process does not make a product offering "AI-powered."
Von Ben Lutkevich im Text AI washing explained: Everything you need to know (2024)

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