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flat-earth-Problem, Übervereinfachungs-Problem


John HattieAnother criticism, which Cronbach (1982) referred to as the "flat earth society", is that meta-analysis seeks the bigfacts and often does not explain the complexity nor appropriately seek the moderators. However, meta-analysis indeed can seek moderators, and, as will be seen throughout this book, classrooms are places where complexities abound and all participants constantly try to interpret, engage or disengage, and make meaning out of this variegated landscape.While there are many common themes, sometimes "averages do not do it justice" (Glass, 2000, p. 9). However, the issue (which will be discussed throughout this book) is that the generalizability of the overall effect is an empirical issue, and, as will be seen, there are far fewer moderators than are commonly thought.
Von John Hattie im Buch Visible Learning (2009) im Text The nature of evidence auf Seite  10

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