Enhancing Deliberation Through Computer Supported Argument Visualization
Tim van Gelder
Zu finden in: Visualizing Argumentation, 2003
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In Chapter 5, Enhancing Deliberation Through Computer Supported Argument Visualization, Tim van Gelder focuses on CSAV to support deliberation about the plausibility of a position in an argument. He starts by considering the differences between maps and conventional prose for communicating arguments. He then reports research that demonstrated significant improvements in students’ acquisition of critical thinking skills when they used a CSAV tool called Reason!Able. The chapter then switches focus to illustrate the same approach in a very different context, an industrial dispute about working conditions. Van Gelder describes the process and facilitation skills involved in helping staff understand the structure of their arguments and reach consensus on the way forward.
Von Paul A. Kirschner, Chad Carr, Simon J. Buckingham Shum im Buch Visualizing Argumentation (2003) im Text Preface Dieser Text erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | G. Lakoff | ||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | Visualisierungvisualization | ||||||||||||||||||
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