An Instructional Designer's View of Constructivism
Walter Dick
Zu finden in: Constructivism and the technology of instruction, 1992
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Dick reviews the work of each chapter from the point of view of an instructional designer and explores several general reactions that emerge from a review of Parts I and II of this book. Especially the boundaries of the overwhelming theory, no concern for entry behaviours of students and for efficiency and certifying the competency level of individual students are mentioned. A lack of learner control indicates also that instruction as an educational intervention that is driven by specific outcome objectives, materials or procedures that are targeted on these objectives, and assessment that determine if the desired changes in behaviour (learning) have occurred, apparently not occur concerning constructivist interventions. The author ends up his review with suggestions for constructivists and instructional designers. Although constructivist interventions are costly to develop, require technology to implement, and are difficult to evaluate and therefore find as innovations little acceptance at schools, constructivist should continue their research to identify the real strength and weaknesses of their approach and to continue to interact with instructional designers. Instructional designers should as well listen to the ideas of constructivists concerning the transfer of skills.
Von Jasmina Hasanbegovic, erfasst im Biblionetz am 26.11.2004Quelle:
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Begriffe KB IB clear | Konstruktivismusconstructivism |
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