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social network analysis social network analysis

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social network analysis, SNA, Netzwerkforschung, Analyse sozialer Netzwerke, Soziale Netzwerkanalyse


Netzwerkanalyse und NetzwerktheorieBei der Analyse sozialer Netzwerke (social network analysis, Netzwerkanalyse) handelt es sich sowohl um eine Reihe von formalen Verfahren zur Analyse von Beziehungen zwischen Akteuren und deren Mustern als auch um eine Theorieperspektive auf eben solche Beziehungen.
Von Jessica Haas, Sophie Mützel im Buch Netzwerkanalyse und Netzwerktheorie (2008) im Text Netzwerkanalyse und Netzwerktheorie in Deutschland
Handbook of Research on Web Log AnalysisSocial network analysis (SNA) is a technique used to study the interactions between individuals in a community. Unlike other approaches such as content analysis for in-depth exploration of dialogue, or quantification of messages for frequency estimation[...], social network analysis focuses on the patterns of collective interaction and relationships among actors in the network [...].
Von Brian K. Smith, Priya Sharma, Kyu Yon Lim, Goknur Kaplan Akilli, KyoungNa Kim, Toru Fujimoto, Paula Hooper im Buch Handbook of Research on Web Log Analysis (2008) im Text Finding Meaning in Online, Very-Large Scale Conversations
Social network analysis (SNA) is a discipline of social science that seeks to explain social phenomena through a structural interpretation of human interaction both as a theory and a methodology (Wellman 1997). SNA assumes a basic graph representation where individuals (actors) are characterized by nodes, and the relationships (ties) they form with each other are edges between these nodes. This graph may be undirected, assuming that all social relationships are reciprocal, or directed, where each interaction describes a one-way association between two people. The degree of any node is defined as the number of associates that node has; in the case of undirected graphs, the degree is separated into in-degree (links in) and out-degree (links out).
Von Cameron Marlow im Text Audience, structure and authority in the weblog community (2004)


Network analysis is well suited for the study of weblogs as many of the social relationships between weblog authors are explicitly stated in the form of hypertext links. Webloggers have posited their own interpretation of popularity and influence based on the number of links a weblog has in various link aggregation systems. Many webloggers use the total number of links to their site to evaluate the effectiveness of their writing.
Von Cameron Marlow im Text Audience, structure and authority in the weblog community (2004)

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iconHäufig erwähnende Personen

iconHäufig co-zitierte Personen

Rob L. Martens Rob L.
Albert-László Barabási Albert-László
Mark Granovetter Mark
Jan-Willem Strijbos Jan-Willem
Katherine Faust Katherine
Stanley Wasserman Stanley
Duncan J. Watts Duncan J.
Manuel Castells Manuel
Erin Coghlan Erin
Heinrich Mintrop Heinrich
Lang Davison Lang
Harrison White Harrison
Pierre Dillenbourg Pierre

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