soft security soft security
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SoftSecurity follows from the principles of
erfasst im Biblionetz am 22.07.2006- AssumeGoodFaith. People are almost always trying to be helpful; so, we apply the PrincipleOfFirstTrust, confident that occasional bad will be overwhelmed by the good.
- PeerReview. Your peers can ensure that you don't damage the system.
- ForgiveAndForget. Even well-intentioned people make mistakes. They don't need to be permanent.
- LimitDamage.When unpreventable mistakes are made, keep the damage within tolerable limits.
- FairProcess. Kim and Mauborgne's theory that being transparent and giving everyone a voice are essential management skills.
- NonViolence. Do no violence lest violence seek you.
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Verwandte Begriffe (co-word occurance) | wiki enginewiki engine(0.03) |
Verwandte Aussagen | Soft security erfordert Vertrauen |
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4 Erwähnungen
- Wikis in der Schule - Eine Analyse der Potentiale im Lehr-/Lernprozess (Alfred Klampfer) (2005)
- Wikis: Tools for Information Work and Collaboration (Jane E. Klobas) (2006)
- Peacewiki - Reflexionen über eine virtuelle Lernumgebung (Christina Schachtner, Monika Neumayer) (2007)
- Medienbildung in neuen Kulturräumen (Ben Bachmair) (2009)