information architecture information architecture
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Information Architecture combines interface design, interaction design and virtual reality to create digital structures which allow for representational, navigational, or exploratory tasks.
Von Remo A. Burkhard in der Dissertation Knowledge Visualization (2005) Information architecture (Wurman, 1996) is a field of graphic design, interface design, interaction design, and human-computer interaction. In contrast to information design, the field of information architecture concentrates more on structural rather than presentational issues.
Von Remo A. Burkhard in der Dissertation Knowledge Visualization (2005) im Text Frame of Reference auf Seite 37Information architecture is concerned with creating organizational and navigational schemes that allow users to move through site content efficiently and effectively. Information architecture is closely related to the concept of information retrieval: the design of systems that enable users to find Information easily. But Web site architectures are often called on to do more than just help people find things; in many cases, they have to educate, inform, or persuade users.
Von Jesse James Garrett im Buch The Elements of User Experience (2002) im Text The Structure Plane auf Seite 94- The combination of organization, labeling, and navigation schemes within an information system.
- The structural design of an Information space to facilitate task completion and intuitive access to content.
- The art and science of structuring and classifying web sites ntranets to help people find and manage Information.
- An emerging discipline and community of practice focused on bringing principles of design and architecture to the digital landscape.
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16 Erwähnungen
- Information Architects (Richard Saul Wurmann) (1996)
- Information Architecture for the World Wide Web - Designing Large-Scale Web Sites (Louis Rosenfeld, Peter Morville) (1998)
- 1. Introducing Information Architecture
- 2. Basic Principles of Information Architecture
- 3. Process and Methodology
- 4. Information Architecture in Practice
- 5. Information Architecture in the Organisation
- Hypergraphics - Design und Architektur von Websites (Roy McKelvey) (1999)
- The Elements of User Experience - User-Centered Design for the Web (Jesse James Garrett) (2002)
- 5. The Structure Plane - Interaction Design and Information Architecture
- Information Architecture - Blueprints for the Web (Christina Wodtke) (2002)
- Knowledge Visualization - The use of complementary visual representations for the transfer of knowledge. A model, a framework, and four new approaches (Remo A. Burkhard) (2005)
- Systemisches Design - Intelligente Oberflächen für Information und Interaktion (Cyrus D. Khazaeli) (2005)
- Ambient Findability - What We Find Changes Who We Become (Peter Morville) (2005)
- Prioritizing Web Usability (Jakob Nielsen, Hoa Loranger) (2006)
- Everything is Miscellaneous - The Power of the New Digital Disorder (David Weinberger) (2007)
- Informationsdesign von Bildungsportalen - Struktur und Aufbau netzbasierter Bildungsressourcen (Stefanie Panke) (2009)
- 1. Einleitung - Informationsdesign netzbasierter Bildungsressourcen
- Search Patterns - Design for Discovery (Peter Morville, Jeffery Callender) (2010)