Lebensweltfremde, rein abstrakte Vermittlung senkt das Interesse von Frauen an Informatik
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Jane Margolis and Allan Fisher found that approaches to CS disconnected from real-world concerns tended to deter women from majoring in CS at Carnegie Mellon University in the 1990s.
Von Annette Vee im Buch Coding Literacy (2017) im Text Introduction: Computer Programming as Literacy Die weit verbreitete Vorstellung
über den Informatiker als weltfremden
Sonderling, der Tag und
Nacht vor dem Computer verbringt und programmiert,
schreckt insbesondere junge Frauen ab (vgl. Margolis/ Fisher, 2002, S. 69 f.).
Von Friederike Klan im Journal Ada Lovelace (2016) im Text Informatik - reine Männersache? auf Seite 35Women's access to
science and engineering has historically been blocked by prejudice and discrimination.
Herewe address sources of exclusion determined, not by rules that keep
women out, but by ways of thinking that make them reluctant to join in.
Von Sherry Turkle, Seymour Papert im Buch Constructionism (1990) im Text Epistemological pluralism and the revaluation of the concrete Werden informationstechnische Fragestellungen im
Unterricht eher einseitig auf abstrakter mathematischer oder technischer Ebene kommuniziert, so wirken diese uninteressant für Mädchen (vgl. Ripke/Siegeris, 2012, S. 333; Margolis/Fisher, 2002, S. 120).
Von Friederike Klan im Journal Ada Lovelace (2016) im Text Informatik - reine Männersache? In 1990, Sherry Turkle and Seymour Papert pointed out the problem of dominating values in programming education and argued that the field must make more room for epistemological pluralism. In particular, they noted that the abstract and formal thinking so valued in academics needed to be augmented by applied and concrete approaches to programming, especially if it were to appeal to more women. They describe the value of Claude Levi-Strauss’s bricolage approach: recombining code blocks, trial and error, and knowledge through concrete experimentation.
Von Annette Vee im Buch Coding Literacy (2017) im Text Introduction: Computer Programming as Literacy Erwähnungen auf anderen Websites im Umfeld von Beat Döbeli Honegger
Website | Webseite | Datum |
Genderbewusste Informatik | VielfaeltigeZugaenge | 27.11.2021 |
5 Erwähnungen
- Epistemological Pluralism: Styles and Voices Within the Computer Culture (Sherry Turkle, Seymour Papert) (1990)
- Constructionism (Idit Harel, Seymour Papert) (1990)
- Unlocking the Clubhouse - Woman in Computing (Jane Margolis, Allan Fisher) (2002)
- 3. Computing With a Purpose
- Ada Lovelace - LOG IN 183/184 (2016)
- Informatik - reine Männersache? (Friederike Klan)
- Coding Literacy - How Computer Programming Is Changing Writing (Annette Vee) (2017)