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Distractors in Parsons Problems Decrease Learning Efficiency for Young Novice Programmers

Kyle James Harms, Jason Chen, Caitlin Kelleher
Zu finden in: ICER 2016 (Seite 241 bis 250), 2016
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Parsons problems are an increasingly popular method for helping inexperienced programmers improve their programming skills. In Parsons problems, learners are given a set of programming statements that they must assemble into the correct order. Parsons problems commonly use distractors, extra statements that are not part of the solution. Yet, little is known about the effect distractors have on a learner's ability to acquire new programming skills. We present a study comparing the effectiveness of learning programming from Parsons problems with and without distractors. The results suggest that distractors decrease learning efficiency. We found that distractor participants showed no difference in transfer task performance compared to those without distractors. However, the distractors increased learners cognitive load, decreased their success at completing Parsons problems by 26%, and increased learners' time on task by 14%.

Von Kyle James Harms, Jason Chen, Caitlin Kelleher im Konferenz-Band ICER 2016 im Text Distractors in Parsons Problems Decrease Learning Efficiency for Young Novice Programmers (2016)

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Paul Denny , Brian Dorn , Barbara J. Ericson , J. Dexter Fletcher , Mark Guzdial , Juha Helminen , Petri Ihantola , Ville Karavirta , Ami J. Ko , Michael J. Lee , Andrew Luxton-Reilly , Lauri Malmi , Briana B. Morrison , Beth Simon , Sigmund Tobias , Alexander P. Wind

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Lernenlearning , Parsons ProblemeParsons Problems , Programmierenprogramming
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