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Social Interactive Learning in Multiplayer Games

Vanessa Camilleri, Leonard Busuttil, Matthew Montebello
Zu finden in: Serious Games and Edutainment Applications (Seite 481 bis 501), 2012
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Serious Games and Edutainment Applications

The way people have been learning and living is constantly evolving. Whereas, a couple of decades ago, society required a workforce dominated primarily by the ‘production-line’ paradigm, nowadays the balance has tipped towards the necessity of a work-force which is dynamic, innovative, creative, and able to deal with problems in the most efficient manner. These characteristics are most often inherent of ‘Gamers’ or that section of the work-force which society is harbouring. This chapter will explore some of the characteristics, which games are capable of extracting and extrapolate them to a learning continuum shifting from the individual to the more collaborative framework. Ultimately this chapter aims to show why a shift in the mentality needs to occur when it comes to education and learning, as we move forward in the same steps which games have successfully undertaken.

Von Vanessa Camilleri, Leonard Busuttil, Matthew Montebello im Buch Serious Games and Edutainment Applications (2012) im Text Social Interactive Learning in Multiplayer Games

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design thinking , Lernenlearning , World of Warcraft , Zone of Proximal Development

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